“Movement is not just an outlet but a way of living for me.”

— Jenae Adams

Founder of The Cross Train Method & Owner of Train with Jenae


Jenae`s love for movement and wellness was instilled in her at an early age. It was only further ignited over the years as she saw the power of transformative, holistic based wellness in her own personal health journey. 

She pursued her passion for movement through the avenue of dance, training professionally in classical ballet. Throughout her sixteen years of training she had the opportunity to train under revered teachers around the world, opening the doors for her to experience  new levels of athletic training and rehabilitative instruction. When she suffered a severe injury to her right foot that kept her from walking correctly for months and moving forward in her dance career, she went to Kinesiology based rehabilitation and started researching cross training for the benefit of her recovery. 

Jenae discovered  how the power of Applied Kinesiology based movement can transform the body and personal health through her recovery journey where she came back to her dance career stronger than before. She knew she wanted to be a part of enriching other`s lives through transformative wellness. She transitioned into full time studies as a Sports Performance Specialist with a background in Applied Kinesiology. She quickly fell in love with the knowledge that empowered her to  help others to transform their health which further ignited her unrelenting mission to teach people how to access freedom in their wellness journey!


Jenae has established herself as a movement specialist with a focus in women`s and athletic dance  health. She is passionate about finding the root cause of movement and health dysfunction and giving easy accessible tools to empower anyone no matter their stage of life. Read more about her method here!


She loves how teaching allows her the opportunity to create community, instill a sense of accountability and motivation in that community, empower others, and forever be a student. Jenae takes an “all in” approach to teaching; she’s known for her knowledge in women`s and athletic health , as well as her, empowering, and form-focused style.


Jenae lives in the Nashville, TN area, her home base for the last 21 years.

Her favorite things include: a cup of Roobis tea, her well-worn Bible, travel, hiking, paddle boarding on the lake, and quality time to read. She has a burning desire to understand truth and worships her Creator through everything she does. Her heart is to see people discover they have been wonderfully made and are a beautiful masterpiece.


Credentials & Training


Degrees and Specialties

  • Sports Performance Specialist with a background in Applied Kinesiology at American Council on Exercise

  • Certified Personal Trainer (American Council on Exercise)

  • Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (American Council on Exercise)

  • Certified Master PBT Trainer for Dancers

  • Certified Barre Instructor with PowHer Method under Amy Webber

Research and Continued Training

  • NYU Langone Health - Harkness Center for Dance Injuries Courses

  • Comprehensive Balanced Body Pilates Instructor under Erin Myers

  • Pre & Postnatal Training Specialist



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- Created by women for women -